Sondergaard, E., Brasholt, M., & Pérez-Sales, P. (2024). Three protocols for the medico-legal documentation of psychological torture (Issue December).
Archivo de la categoría: Tortura
Resilience in torture survivors: reflections, learnings and ways forward
Pérez-Sales, P. (2023). Resilience in torture survivors: reflections, learnings and ways forward. Torture Journal, 33(3), 3–17.
Survivor-organisation in the search for justice and reparation: A vision from grassroots organising
Pérez-Sales, P. (2023). Survivor-organisation in the search for justice and reparation: A vision from grassroots organising. Torture Journal, 33(2), 4–16.
Detección y evaluación de las víctimas de malos tratos y torturas en la atención primaria. Guía rápida incluyendo la versión del Protocolo de Estambul actualizada en 2022.
Pérez-Sales, P. & De la Fuente, P. (2023). Detección y evaluación de las víctimas de malos tratos y torturas en la atención primaria. Guía rápida incluyendo la versión del Protocolo de Estambul actualizada en 2022. Torture Journal, 33 (1).
Détection et évaluation des victimes de mauvais traitement et de torture dans la santé primaire. Guide rapide basé sur la version 2022 actualisée du Protocole d’Istanbul.
Pérez-Sales, P. & De la Fuente, P. (2023). Détection et évaluation des victimes de
mauvais traitement et de torture dans la santé primaire. Guide rapide basé sur la version 2022 actualisée du Protocole d’Istanbul. Torture Journal, 33 (1).
Detection and assessment of victims of ill-treatment and torture in Primary Health Care. Quick guide including developments in the 2022 updated version of the Istanbul Protocol
Pérez-Sales, P. & De la Fuente, P. (2023). Detection and assessment of victims of ill-treatment and torture in Primary Health Care. Quick guide including developments in the 2022 updated version of the Istanbul Protocol. Torture Journal, 33 (1).
Concealing Torture: Analysis of 54 cases
Pérez-Sales, P., Escareño, E., Moscoso, V., Castilla, M., Luna, D., Aguirre, D., & Galán, A. (2020). Concealing torture. Analysis of 54 cases. Complicity of forensic experts at the attorney general’s office. Irredentos Libros. English summary.
Exploratory study on the quality of forensic assessments using the Istanbul Protocol in a virtual versus face-to-face environment
Galán Santamarina, A., González Sanguino, C., López Neyra, G. & Pérez-Sales, P. (2023). Exploratory study on the quality of forensic assessments using the Istanbul Protocol in a virtual versus face-to-face environment. Torture Journal, 33 (1),32-40.
Exploratory study on the quality of forensic assessments using the Istanbul Protocol in a virtual versus face-to-face environment
Galán Santamarina, A., González Sanguino, C., López Neyra, G. & Pérez-Sales, P. (2023). Exploratory study on the quality of forensic assessments using the Istanbul Protocol in a virtual versus face-to-face environment. Torture Journal, 33 (1),32-40.
Forensic Assessment of Psychological Torture
Pérez-Sales, P. & D Petersen, H. (2023). Forensic Assessment of Psychological Torture. Encyclopedia of Forensic Sciences, Third Edition, 2, 493-502.
La versión actualizada de 2022 del Protocolo de Estambul: kit de orientación para personas con prisa.
Pérez Sales, P. (2022). La versión actualizada de 2022 del Protocolo de Estambul: kit de orientación para personas con prisa. Torture Journal, 32 (3), 4-17 .
Uso inadecuado del Protocolo de Estambul en la evaluación de víctimas de tortura por profesionales forenses en México
Pérez-Sales, P., Galán-Santamarina, A., Aguirre-Luna, D., Moscoso-Urzúa, V., Luna-Muñoz, D., Castilla-Calderas, M. & Escareño-Granados, E. (2021). Uso inadecuado del Protocolo de Estambul en la evaluación de víctimas de tortura por profesionales forenses en México. Gaceta Sanitaria. 36 (3), 240-245.
Migration and Torture: Building a Map of Knowledge.
Pérez-Sales, P. (2019). Migration and Torture: Building a Map of Knowledge. In F. Perocco (Ed.), Tortura e migrazioni | Torture and Migration (pp. 361–379).
Book Review – Fallgirls: Gender and the framing of torture at Abu Ghraib
Pérez-Sales, P. (2018). Book Review – Fallgirls: Gender and the framing of torture at Abu Ghraib. Torture Journal, 28(3), 135–217.
From sexualized torture and gender-based torture to genderized torture: The urgent need for a conceptual evolution
Pérez-Sales, P., & Zraly, M. (2018). From sexualized torture and gender-based torture to genderized torture: The urgent need for a conceptual evolution. Torture Journal, 28(3), 1–13.
Torturing Without a Parachute: On the Science of Torture’s Effectiveness
Schiemann, J. W., & Pérez-Sales, P. (2018). Torturing Without a Parachute: On the Science of Torture’s Effectiveness. Texas Law Review Online, 96.
Hunger : Deprivation and manipulation of food as a torture method . State of the art in research and ways forward
Pérez-Sales, P. (2020). Hunger : Deprivation and manipulation of food as a torture method . State of the art in research and ways forward. Torture Journal, 30(3), 3–19.
A review and proposal for an international standard of a minimum of six hours of continuous sleep in detention settings
Pérez-Sales, P. (2020). The 6/24 rule: A review and proposal for an international standard of a minimum of six hours of continuous sleep in detention settings. Torture Journal, 29(2), 1–10.
Internet and communications as elements for CIDT and Torture. Initial reflections in an unexplored field
Pérez-Sales, P., & Serra, L. (2020). Internet and communications as elements for CIDT and Torture. Initial reflections in an unexplored field. Torture Journal, 30(1), 5–22.
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on work with torture survivors
Pérez-Sales, P. (2020). Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on work with torture survivors. Torture Journal, 30(2), 3–18.
COVID-19 and Torture
Pérez-Sales, P. (2020). COVID-19 and Torture. Torture Journal, 30(1), 3–4.
Book Review – The torture doctors. Human rights crimes and the road to justice
Pérez-Sales, P. (2020). Book Review – The torture doctors. Human rights crimes and the road to justice. Torture Journal, 30(3), 113–116.
Psychological torture. In M. Evans & J. Modvig (Eds.), Research Handbook on Torture
Perez Sales, P. (2020). Psychological torture. In M. Evans & J. Modvig (Eds.), Research Handbook on Torture (pp. 432–454). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Protocol on Medico-Legal Documentation of Sleep Deprivation
Pérez-Sales, P., Søndegaard, E., Shir, E., Brasholt, M., Cakal, E., & Bergman, E. (2019). Protocol on Medico-Legal Documentation of Sleep Deprivation. Torture Journal, 28(2), 28–55.
Documentation of torture in children and young adults: Time to reflect
Pérez-Sales, P. (2019). Documentation of torture in children and young adults: Time to reflect. Torture Journal, 28(1), 1–15.
Sleep deprivation does not work: Epidemiology, impacts and outcomes of incidental and systematic sleep deprivation in a sample of Palestinian detainees.
Sehwail, M., Pérez-Sales, P., Rasras, K. M. ., Sehwail, W., Guasch, A., & Galan, A. (2019). Sleep deprivation does not work: Epidemiology, impacts and outcomes of incidental and systematic sleep deprivation in a sample of Palestinian detainees. Torture Journal, 28(2), 56–69.
Torture and the role of the psychological profession
Pérez-Sales, P., & Sveaass, N. (2020). Torture and the role of the psychological profession. Human Rights Education for Psychologists, 207–220.
Current debates, developments and challenges regarding torture, enforced disappearances and human rights
Duhaime, B., Méndez, J., & Perez-Sales, P. (2021). Current debates, developments and challenges regarding torture, enforced disappearances and human rights. Torture Journal, 31(2), 3–13.
Defining and documenting threats in the context of ill-treatment and torture
Pérez-Sales, P. (2021). Defining and documenting threats in the context of ill-treatment and torture. Torture Journal, 31(1), 3–18.
Learning from the past to face the challenges ahead : Celebrating 30 years of Torture
Pérez-Sales, P. (2021). Learning from the past to face the challenges ahead : Celebrating 30 years of Torture. Torture Journal, 31(3), 3–18.
Physical Torture
Petersen, H., Morentin, B., & Pérez-Sales, P. (2023). Physical Torture. In J. A. Siegel, P. J. Saukko, & M. M. Houck (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Forensic Sciences: Second Edition. Academic Press, 4,182-203.
The future is here : Mind control and torture in the digital era
Pérez-Sales, P. (2022). The future is here : Mind control and torture in the digital era. Torture Journal, 32(1–2), 280–290.
La versión revisada de 2022 del Protocolo de Estambul: kit de orientación para personas con prisa.
Pérez-Sales, P. (2022). La versión revisada de 2022 del Protocolo de Estambul: kit de orientación para personas con prisa. Torture, 32(3), 4–17.
Voices from a long journey : Introducing the 30th anniversary special issue.
Pérez-Sales, P. (2022). Voices from a long journey : Introducing the 30th anniversary special issue. Torture Journal, 32(1–2), 4–13.
Encubriendo la tortura. Complicidad de los forenses de la Procuraduría General de la República. Análisis de 54 casos
Pérez-Sales, P., Escareño, E., Moscoso, V., Castilla, M., Luna, D., Aguirre, D., & Galán, A. (2020). Encubriendo la tortura. Complicidad de los forenses de la Procuraduría General de la República. Análisis de 54 casos. Irredentos Libros.
Migration and torture : Building a map of knowledge
Pérez-Sales, P. (2018). Migration and torture : Building a map of knowledge.
Torture Journal, 28(2), 1–14.
Ill-treatment and torture in demonstrations and other non-custodial settings . How can academic research help in the discussion ?
Pérez-Sales, P. (2017). Ill-treatment and torture in demonstrations and other non-custodial settings . How can academic research help in the discussion ? Torture Journal, 3, 3–16.
Torturing Without a Parachute: On the Science of Torture’s Effectiveness
Schiemann, J. W. (2018). Torturing Without a Parachute: On the Science of Torture’s Effectiveness. Texas Law Review Online, 96. From
WPA Position Statement on Banning the Participation of Psychiatrists in the Interrogation of Detainees
Pérez-Sales, P., Jan den Otter, J., Hardi, L., Wenzel, T., Diaconu, G., Cors, G., & Kastrup, M. (2018). WPA Position Statement on Banning the Participation of Psychiatrists in the Interrogation of Detainees. World Psychiatry, 17(2), 237–238
Rehabilitation of torture survivors and prevention of torture: Priorities for research through a modified Delphi Study
Pérez-Sales, P., Witcombe, N., & Otero Oyague, D. (2017). Rehabilitation of torture survivors and prevention of torture: Priorities for research through a modified Delphi Study. Torture Journal, 27(3), 3–48.
Drawing the fine line between interrogation and torture : towards a Universal Protocol on Investigative Interviewing
Pérez-Sales, P. (2017). Drawing the fine line between interrogation and torture : towards a Universal Protocol on Investigative Interviewing. Torture Journal. 27(2), 1–11.
Incommunicado detention and torture in Spain: Part IV: Psychological and psychiatric consequences of ill-treatment and torture: trauma and human worldviews
Miguel Angel Navarro-Lashayas, Pau Pérez-Sales, Gabriela Lopez-Neyra, Maitane Arnoso Martínez, Benito Morentin. Incommunicado detention and torture in Spain: Part IV: Psychological and psychiatric consequences of ill-treatment and torture: trauma and human worldviews. Torture Journal. Volume 26, No. 3, 2016. Pg 34-35
Incommunicado detention and torture in Spain: Part III: ‘Five days is enough’: the concept of torturing environments
Pau Pérez-Sales, Miguel Angel Navarro-Lashayas, Angeles Plaza, Benito Morentin, Oihana Barrios Salinas. Incommunicado detention and torture in Spain:Part III: ‘Five days is enough’: the concept of torturing environments. Torture Journal. Volume 26, No. 3, 2016. Pg 21-33
Incommunicado detention and torture in Spain: Part II: Enhanced credibility assessment based on the Istanbul Protocol
Pau Pérez-Sales, Benito Morentin, Olatz Barrenetxea, Miguel Angel Navarro-Lashayas. Incommunicado detention and torture in Spain: Part II: Enhanced credibility assessment based on the Istanbul Protocol. Torture Journal. Volume 26, No. 3, 2016. Pg 8-20
Istanbul Protocol Project in the Basque Country Working Group. Incommunicado detention and torture in Spain: Part I: The Istanbul Protocol Project in the Basque Country
Istanbul Protocol Project in the Basque Country Working Group. Incommunicado detention and torture in Spain: Part I: The Istanbul Protocol Project in the Basque Country – Torture Journal. Volume 26, No. 3, 2016. Pg 3-5
Editorial – The Torture Journal: A home for all. Torture : Quarterly Journal on Rehabilitation of Torture Victims and Prevention of Torture
Pérez-Sales, P. (2016). Editorial – The Torture Journal: A home for all. Torture : Quarterly Journal on Rehabilitation of Torture Victims and Prevention of Torture, 26(3). 1-10
Transitory ischemia as a form of torture: a case description in Spain
Pérez-Sales P, Fernández Liria A, Parras M (2010). Transitory ischemia as a form of torture: a case description in Spain. Torture. 20:2. 104-107
Peritacion psicologica y psiquiatrica de maltrato y tortura en solicitantes de asilo
Pau Perez Sales (2009). Peritacion Psicologica y psiquiatrica de Maltrato y Tortura en Solicitantes de Asilo. En Iñaki Marquez, Alberto Fernandez Liria, Pau Perez-Sales. Violencia y Salud Mental. Publicaciones Asociacion Española de Neuropsiquiatria. Madrid